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Qinghai – Xining

Situated on the Tibetan Plateau, Qinghai consists of stunning grand mountains,
lakes and plains. It is not only home to China’s biggest lake, but an abundance
of mesmerising salt lakes. Using Xining as a base, you can explore unreal landscapes.

Qinghai on China map

Itinerary Highlights

Qinghai Lake, Qinghai

/ qinghai lake

At over 4000km2, this is the biggest saltwater lake in China and home to many wild animals. Standing at its edge, it seems like you’re staring out to sea.

/ chaka salt lake

Though Qinghai has a number of salt lakes you could visit, Chaka is a well known destination meaning easier accessibility. The transportation? A fun freight turned passenger train.

Chaka Salt Lake, Qinghai

Suggested Itinerary

Recommended time (3-4 days)

*NOTE: Unless you book a tour, getting to both main destinations and others in Qinghai
is near impossible if relying on public transport. This itinerary uses Xining as a base.

Day 1

Arriving at Xining Railway Station, take Bus 36 to my recommended accommodation.
35 mins

From Xining Caojiapu International Airport, get the transit bus to town OR a taxi.
21rmb bus – 1 hour
~100rmb taxi – 40 mins

He Huang Memory Youth Hostel

Depending on the time you arrive, I suggest arranging a quick way to Kumbum Monastery, or visiting the Tibetan Medicine & Culture Museum (or both).

Kumbum Monastery is 35km away and is an important temple for Tibetan Buddhism in China.
40rmb (off peak) OR 70rmb (on peak)
7:30am – 6:30pm

The Tibetan Medicine & Culture Museum is a fascinating look into the rich Tibetan culture.
9:00am – 5:00pm

Neither location has simple public transport options, so I suggest utilising taxi/Didi services here.

There are a number of food streets and markets to enjoy the local cuisine. A suggestion near the hostel is Xinqian International Plaza (bottom floor).

Day 2

Qinghai Lake
Depending on the time of year, public transport options will vary.

Get up early and head to Xining Railway Station. Buy your ticket to Qinghai Lake from the ticket office.
2.5 hours

Note: The last bus back (at least when I visited) was at 2pm. Prepare to stay the night.

Qinghai Lake Plateau Hostel
(there are other options for Chinese – this one accepts foreigners)

Walk into the carpark and buy your ticket at the entrance.

Find the bike rental and take a bike – mention that you want to leave the main area and they should open the gate for you to do so (for an extra deposit).
~200rmb deposit

The road is home to many wild animals, flat and mostly empty. Cycle as far as you can handle! There is a ‘Bird Island’ 130km away to consider staying another day for.

In the evening, walk along the street of the hostel and you’ll find some local restaurants with cheap, delicious meals (and yak milk tea).

Day 3

Remember that the last bus to town is early afternoon – so use your morning wisely and then find the bus.

I suggest not exploring the main park the day before, but rather using this morning to see the sights of the main Qinghai Lake area.

Walk up to the road by the lake entrance and wait. Eventually, a bus going back to Xining will come (though they are infrequent).

I suggest communicating with the police or park staff for help with which bus to catch.
~30rmb (payed on the bus)
2.5 hours

You’ll return back to town by late afternoon and can explore more of the city’s night markets, or rest after all that cycling.

Day 4

Chaka Salt Lake
Head to Xining Railway Station before 8am. The tourist train leaves at 8:25am and this is your only option!
4 hours

Bring snacks with you as this is a long journey.
Arriving just after lunchtime, head straight for the ticket entrance and walk on through.

This is a famous place, particularly for influencers, so do some exploring to find a place with less people! You will also find a small market for a meal.

The train back to Xining leaves at 4:30pm.

Note: This is only possible in peak season (May-October).

I would suggest considering a tour here if you have the time and can
fill a chartered car (there are many tour companies in Xining). This way you can combine these destinations + Western Qinghai + Dunhuang + Gansu.